Sunday, September 13, 2009

What's Been Up

I am becoming a master Lego engineer...seriously, do they have jobs like that? I even have satisfied customers. ;)

Visiting and meeting new friends/family to celebrate two little girls on the way, to watch nerve racking football games, make pancakes, window shopping I-Drive, eat Anthony's pizza, dressing Russell up as a baby for said baby shower,and just sitting around visiting and catching up.

Root Canal - Pain, pain, and more pain. The worst part? That the endodontist didn't prescribe an antibiotic until two days later..."Oh, maybe the infection didn't go away" he says. Ya think? I probably couldn't sleep for three nights straight (unfortunately for Russell) and apparently I can't take pain medicine without getting very sick. I'll sign up for this being my first and last root canal.

Kenny Chesney - my oldest sister Michelle bought us all tickets to go and see him in concert this past Friday. Miranda Lambert was the opening act and he rocked it, as much as you can rock it country. Many people were very drunk, so we actually not only had the music entertainment, we had all of our surrounding friends to thank for some of the nights most memorable moments. Also, if you have seen Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist...we saw the girl who played Norah's friend Coraline. Check out that link for a visual. Obviously it really wasn't her, but she totally acted and looked just like the actress. Fun Times. Thanks Michelle. We had a blast!


Alana said...

That's a pretty impressive tow-truck you got there! You've been practicing huh?!

Christina said...

LOL! I have...and really I build them all in vain, as my nephews then proceed to tear them apart. And yet, I still do it.