Monday, November 16, 2009


It is amazing how filling our minds and spirits with things that are good, will change a somewhat melancholy mood almost immediately. I was just having an off day or as I say "a funk", Russell suggested I do some scripture study, but I also searched some topics on happiness. I came across these wonderful quotes from President Hinkley in the August 1997 Ensign and they really lifted my spirit.

Our Accountability to God

“I thank the Lord for the root of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is where we draw our strength. That is the source of our faith. That is the source of our understanding of things divine. That is the thing which brings purpose to our lives. …
“We are sons and daughters of God, our Eternal Father. Did you ever stop to think of what that means, that each of us has something of divinity within ourselves? It does not matter the color of our skin or the color of our hair. Each of us comes into this world with a divine birthright as sons and daughters of God. And as certainly as we are sons and daughters of God, someday we will have to account to Him for the way we have lived our lives. Will we be just a beautiful rose for a day or two, or will we be planted in the eternal truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ? My brothers and sisters, how thankful I am for the gospel of Jesus Christ into which we can sink our roots and partake of the strength that comes therefrom. Life is purposeful under those circumstances. Life becomes a mission more than a career. We have more to do than to earn a living. We must live to serve” (fireside, Fukuoka, Japan, 19 May 1996).

The Way of Happiness

“The way of the Lord is the way of happiness. ‘Wickedness never was happiness’ [Alma 41:10]. Transgression never was happiness. Sin never was happiness. Disobedience never was happiness. The way of happiness is following the way of the Lord. I believe this with all my heart. If there is any message that runs through all of the Book of Mormon, it is this great, transcendent messagethat when the people lived in righteousness, they were happy and they were prospered; and when they fell into wickedness, they were miserable, they were at war, they were in poverty, they were in trouble. That theme goes all the way through the Book of Mormon. As it was true then, so it is true now. The way of happiness for the people of this Church lies in following the ways of the Lord” (Oahu, Hawaii, regional conference, 18 Feb. 1996).

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